Thursday 17 November 2016

More About Migration

People Who Migrate 

Emigrant: One who leaves a country to settle in another.

Immigrant: One who enters the country to reside and start a life.

Refugee: One who has resided outside their country of origin due to fear of events basis of reasons related to race, religion, nationality or any other political reason.

Internally Displaced Person (IDP): A person who is forced to leave their region because of unfavorable condition, but doesn't cross any kind of political borders.

Migration Stream: A group of migrants from another country.

Reasons for Migrations 

  • Push Factors 
  • Pull Factors 

- Push Factors are factors or reasons that are unfavorable and resist one from living a normal life,   (eg; War, food shortage, Famine, natural disasters) 

- Pull Factors are reasons for immigrating because of a advantageous or desirable conditions compared to their current situation. (eg: Job opportunities, high wages, better lifestyle, freedom)

These are the two   


This blog brings to you information from a range of sources, all the sources used for research are listed below in MLA 7th edition for convince:

Introduction to Migration

The human race was not known and spread all around the world, they were in groups far away from each other with an abundance of resources and very limited information about life as we know it. It is because of the curiosity in humans that they started moving and exploring the far lands and this was the first time migration was introduced. During the upcoming of the ancient civilizations people did not have an idea as to where they were how far was the end. No one knew where they were located, as long as they had the resources they required. After humans took up the idea of moving they then discovered that they were not the only ones who had advanced so much and had discovered and invented so much. At those times the trade routes were the only means of transporting anything safely may it be intellect, materialistic goods or even people.

Today we see a lot of different options to move from one place to another with a number of different reasons, in order to understand these reasons and understand the concept of migration we will go through some terms, ideas and theories on the same.

What is Migration?
        Migration is the movement of an individual or a group from one place to another for permanent or temporary residence, usually across a great distance.

What are the different types of migrations?

- Internal Migration
- External Migration
- Emigration
- Immigration
- Forced Migration
- Impelled Migration
- Step Migration
- Chain Migration
- Return Migration
- Seasonal Migration

A little About Each Type
  • Internal Migration: Moving to a new residence that is in the same state as per prior residence. 
  • External Migration: Moving to a new house that is in a different state as per the prior residence. 
  • Emigration: Moving from one country to another 
  • Immigration: Moving into a new country
  • Forced Migration: When a large group is involuntarily moved to a new location 
  • Impelled Migration: Here individuals leave a certain locality because of unfavorable circumstances at their own will.
  • Step Migration: When a group or an individual moves in small steps to reach the final destination 
  • Chain Migration; A group of people migrating is small numbers or individually and slowly regrouping at the destination over a period of time
  • Return Migration: The voluntary movement of immigrants back to their place of origin 
  • Seasonal Migration: The process of migrating regularly or over a period of time in response to work or education.